union campaigns

Testimony to the PSU Board of Trustees

When PSUFA president Ariana Jacob testified in front of the PSU board of trustees, we couldn’t be there to snap pictures. Instead, I excerpted sections of her testimony for Instagram. It became our most popular post to date.

General Graphic Design

This is a small sample of original graphic design I have done for PSUFA. I use Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, and the Over app for most of my work.

Member Organizing Institute

Every term, PSUFA adjuncts have the chance to become union organizers through AFT-Oregon’s Member Organizer Institute (which I did in 2018). In order to help draw in applicants, I created this campaign. I reached out to former participants and asked them to submit a quote about the program, which I then laid out in InDesign and promoted on our social networks. I also created a dedicated webpage about the program that could be updated every term.

2020 Summer Bargaining Intensive

This is a campaign I devised to educate our members about an upcoming bargaining intensive. What's a bargaining intensive? Exactly. This campaign was intended to not only educate our members about what the bargaining team was doing, but to invite them to join as observers. I also set up a dedicated, one-stop-shop page for potential bargaining observers.

Plus… visit PSUFA’s Instagram page at @psufalocal3571 to check out my Instagram Highlights

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“Data” displays 2019 data about the adjunct faculty experience at PSU all in one place. It introduces the realities of our work to outsiders and members alike.

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“OH” is a flip through the 2020 “Union” issue of Oregon Humanities, which featured an article about the precarity of adjunct faculty (and written by a PSUFA member). Not only could we show off how talented and hard-working our members are, we also excerpted the article to show the realities of adjunct workers.

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“Unions Work” is an Instagram Story demonstrating the power of collective action. PSUFA partnered with AAUP to write a letter to the PSU president and board of trustees that directly resulted in movement at the bargaining table. The story demonstrates the importance of our members and collective action in general.